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#vanlife whew!!!

     #Vanlife has been crazy these couple of days, we have been in Houston parked at my husband's gran's house and I have to be brutally honest when I say that it has not been easy at all! Gosh I haven't had such a rough patch in a minute! Geesh! I honestly know the reason, it was that time of the month!! Ladies on the road know what I am talking about I'm sure! So being on the road for only a month, (well I can't even say being on the road, since we were parked in the country 2 weeks ago) I have not yet mastered the cycle on the road in a van with children....yeah. So we made use of a lot of public restrooms and since we were in the city we would sneak showers at gran' for real though. We weren't able to use our outdoor tent shower in the it is what it is. If she says something we will give her some money for it. Geesh! So now we are in a room paying bills and getting ready for our next trip. I really want to go to Vegas, but I don't actually know if our funds are ready. I want to make sure the van is in tip top shape, although it is, we still have to get an oil change before we go on a 17 hour trip. We should have enough but I want to be on the safe side. Then again, I don't want to sit around So now we are in Houston, we will probably visit a couple of family members before we head out, but for now we are just looking for a place to park. It is so hard to get out of room life, being in a room, since my 5 year old only knows the room, he was 2 when we moved out of the house, he has gotten familiar with the room. He has adjusted greatly to van life but would prefer a room any day. Since we gave my oldest son his own area my youngest wants to know where his area will be, so now we are thinking of incorporating bunk beds into our build. I don't know how that will work since we don't have a high top conversion van, it's a van......... Fast forward to now and we have been back in Houston for about 3 weeks, spending time with my best friend and her family, before we leave and go back to the country.
 We have considered building a tiny home in the country, just so the kids can have somewhere to call home, being in Houston around all of our family and friends with houses, it takes a toll on the children. They began to ask where is our home and due to the fact this is the first time that we have lived in a van, it sounds funny when I tell the that our home is the van. When we were leaving my youngest asked me why I wanted them to leave, I was floored, so I talked with my husband and we are going to build a spot out there, until then we will find a spot out here, my bestie said we could be here until we find a place, so we are beginning to look, probably pick up some part time gigs for more money and look for something small and within our budget until we are finished building. The summer in Houston is hot as hell! I just didn't feel like going through it. So we will see how this works out. I will be posting every week since we are back in Houston. Until next time.....


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