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The Art of Bouncing Back: Steps to Pick up the Pieces and Start Again


   Bouncing back, picking up the pieces, picking up yourself, starting over, whatever you want to call it requires a whole lot of patience and perseverance. When we fall, man, we tend to fall hard some of us have a hard time getting back up, some of us need a boost or some kind of motivation to get out of the slump. Don't feel bad, we have all been through it. Falling on your face will surely make you feel like shit, but you got to get on up now! (in my Jodeci voice) the comeback is always phenomenal so don't trip.

Find your Reason.

     Shit happens in life, we got to be prepared for everything these days, but when we aren't prepared and shit just hits us back-to-back it throws us off track, well it is up to us to hop back on the saddle and ride till the wheels fall off, or the hooves, whatever. Just get the hell up and do something, find your reason, find a good reason to do it and do it for you. Give yourself time to feel bad, cry if you have to and let it all out, all the pain and hurt, release that shit and let it go, then get on the path of rebuilding your life. Let your reason be what motivates you to do more and do better.

Don't worry about the haters.

     Haters come in all shapes and forms, they come as friends and family, they come as people you don't know people you have known for a long time, people you are close to, and may even love can be your biggest haters. People in general, can be haters and hate to see you shine. They don't want to see you do better especially if you are doing better than them. They don't want you to think differently they want to see you in the same boat as they are. Those people are meant to be on the sidelines of your life, they are meant to be placed on the back burner for some time, until you get your life in order. People like this tend to cause doubt in you, they will make you feel as if you don't know what you want in your life. They do this because they see something in you, that you don't see and it is something they wish they had, they want to be happy for you but the way their lives are set up, they just can't grasp it. Not everything is meant for everyone, so things won't happen for them like it happens for you and they see that. Don't worry about them, just let them make it and move on, because you don't have energy for those that mean you no good.

Be adaptable.

     Adaptability is needed when bouncing back, you could find yourself in different situation and different places that require you to adapt to your surroundings, or the situation at hand. You have to be able to take it for what it is and handle it accordingly. shit gets hard sometimes, but if you're able to adapt and be content, then do what is needed to get to where you want to be. Being able to transform negative energy and make it work for you is easier than you think. Life will not always be smiles and giggles, sometimes hardship will knock the smile right off your fucking face, but don't worry learn how to transmute that bad energy, then you can manifest within the darkness and in the light. Learning to adapt to any and all situations and will make it easier for you in the long run.

Try not to live with others or depend on family.

     I've learned in 2024 to never depend on anyone else and to never live with another person again. We all go through it, but at some point, in our lives we have to do what's right to protect out peace. So, try not to live with anyone while bouncing back from a bad situation, unless you really have to, and you have no other choice. I say this, living with people will honestly get you nowhere, there is no one like you, people don't have your thoughts and desires, if you do get around some people that think like you, good job, this is a good thing, but sometimes it won't work out like that, they won't be interested in what you are doing with your life. They won't care that you lost your job or your house. They won't care that you are trying to save money to get on your feet and get a place, a car, or anything, especially if you are paying to live in their house. They want you to keep paying them, they want to see you down and out, they want you to continue being in that negative state, they are not trying to help you progress in any way but will beat you down about the things you do. People are users and liars they will lie on you, and have people looking at you crazy, people that don't even know you. Some people do not have your best interest in hand, so try not to live with anyone unless you truly have to, it truly brings out the worst in people.

Move in Silence

     Never tell the left hand what the right hand is doing. Never tell people your plans and goals and never ever tell them what you're attempting to do in your life especially if you are picking yourself back up from a hard fall. No one needs to know your moves, not everyone is for you in this world, people tend to cause doubt and make you rethink what you want to do in your life, especially if they are close to you and you value their opinions. Do not mention what you're doing until it is already done, because opening your mouth, speaking too soon, can cause you to miss what's there for you. Speaking on your plans before you have done them gives others the opportunity to speak negative about your goals and what you want to do, causing a lot of negativities to be connected to what you were supposed to do. I had a family member come into a home that I was trying to get after getting scammed, she came in and so- called prayed over the house and not one word was praying for me to get the house. The house fell through, and we didn't get it...I wonder why? Hmph. Move in silence. I've been told so many negative things during a setback in my life, people have truly tried to break me, so I am here for you if you are going through the same thing. Life can get hard at times and the last thing you need is someone causing doubt in your life, making you feel even worse or keeping you in the situation. So be quiet about your moves, they are your moves for a reason.

Practice Self Care

     While going through a setback in life, you need to check in with yourself from time to time. Setbacks take a toll on your mental health, especially if you find yourself living with someone. Energy transfers, so if you're living with someone and they have negative thoughts, or a negative outlook on life, that energy could rub off on you. You could end up feeling the same way the person feels, which could be bad for you and could possibly cause a shift in your mental state. Be sure to clear your mind daily, take walks, meditate or listen to meditation videos, journal, listen to soothing music or music that makes you feel good. Life is long and when it does get hard just remember that it doesn't always stay that way.

What about accountability?

     If you are my age and you're still blaming people for your short-comings and downfalls that is a problem and I am going to have to ask you to stop. It is time to take responsibility for your own actions, we make a lot of mistakes, we are human. We have to hold ourselves accountable for how our lives are in the current state of mind. You have to come to a conclusion that it is your fault and only you can change it. Be bold, and show some responsibility, once you do you will feel better and be able to think openly. We are all experiencing this physical body, we are supposed to live peacefully and happily, do not blame others for your downfall, just pick yourself back up and work towards becoming a better you. 

Take it easy.

     Forgive yourself for the bullshit you've been through and try each day to do better and be a better person. Work toward becoming the person you are meant to be. Love on yourself daily tell yourself how great you are. Look in the mirror and speak life into yourself, tell yourself that you are getting better every day. If you don't have friends that are with the same mindset to be better and do better, you should change that. Create the life you want, bounce back from the bullshit, bounce back from hardships bounce back from losing and set the stage to win. 

     You are the main character in your life, this is your story, write it how you want it to go and edit when needed, but be your best you! No matter how hard life may feel, or how many obstacles get in your way, always remember pain doesn't last forever. Life gets easier once you decided to do what's right and rid the waves instead of going against the current. Take life for what it is and as long as you have breath you have an opportunity to be great. Remember to always be grateful, give thanks for where you are in life even if it is bad give thanks for the breath you have, give thanks for waking up in the morning, give thanks for everything!! 

Never Give Up!!!!!

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