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Showing posts from 2018

Real Estate Wholesaling: The ARV, The Formula, Finding Motivated Sellers and Buyers

     M otivated sellers, who are these people and how can you find them? Motivated sellers are people who are looking to sell a property quickly, these people have unwanted properties, land, inherited properties and such, that they don't want. Some of them are living elsewhere and don't know where to begin getting rid of their property. Some people are behind on taxes and mortgage. That is where you come in, you hold the marketing materials to let the world know that you are here to help them with this issue. Your marketing material should include signs, brochures, business cards, flyers, and a website. You can purchase extra things like t-shirts, and mouse pads for your personal use, to let your business name be seen. It is your job as a business owner first to let the public know what your business does. If you go with signs, you can start just by looking around your own neighborhood. There are other investors that post signs that say, "we buy houses', "we buy

The Easiest Way to Start in Real Estate

T here are a lot of ways to enter into the world of real estate, but I have found that wholesaling seems to be the easiest way, considering the fact that you can purchase houses under property value and flip them for a nice profit. Turning it into a business can take some time and a lot of consistency, because the cash might not come on a regular basis, but if you set a plan of how many houses you wish to close on within the month then you will have a guideline or goal to look to, just in case you get off track. To get started in any business, you need a plan, so sit down and write it out, even if it is a couple of papers just put the objective down and go from there. Putting your name in and registering your business is where you actually want to start,  When all your ducks are in a row, head on to marketing your business. In order for your business to be known, you want to market it twenty-four seven. Create business cards, flyers, signs, or even t-shirts to get your business nam

Relationships: What Is Too Much Time Invested?

     What is too much time invested? People who say they have too much time invested in a relationship are normally people who fear change. These people will allow themselves to be in miserable situations and relationships, because they are afraid that no one else can or will accept them for who they are. So they stay in these toxic relationships and grow older and more weary, they try to improve their behavior, thinking that their significant other will look their way. Most of the time, they don't even pay attention. These are people who are in a relationship well over 5 years, they either don't want it to end, or they don't know how to end it. Sadly, they go on, and end up being influenced by the negative in their partner, if you cant beat them, join them. These people are doomed for as long as they are in this type of relationship, and they know it! Instead, they make up excuses for their partner being the way they are, they try to justify their partners' a

Trending Now: Racism in America....WTF

      W hen you think of America the great, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is it the possibility of living a free life, loving your fellow man? Hell nah.... Everyday that I have breath there is always something that might not affect me physically, or mentally, but damn, the shit is out of control and it can get overwhelming. There seems to be so many instances of black and brown people in America getting tragically harmed but those of a different race.... WTF is that all about! I could've sworn this shit was over, but no. History only repeats itself, is the phrase or saying that comes to mind in a time like this, but as I am a black woman raising black men, I will not stand for it, not at all.So what is this racism shit, really? What? Do these racists punks really think that we are in fact our ancestors? Do they think we will allow them to put us in bondage again? Hmph! What is up with all of these people calling police for everything that black people do? Should w

#vanlife whew!!!

     # V anlife has been crazy these couple of days, we have been in Houston parked at my husband's gran's house and I have to be brutally honest when I say that it has not been easy at all! Gosh I haven't had such a rough patch in a minute! Geesh! I honestly know the reason, it was that time of the month!! Ladies on the road know what I am talking about I'm sure! So being on the road for only a month, (well I can't even say being on the road, since we were parked in the country 2 weeks ago) I have not yet mastered the cycle on the road in a van with children....yeah. So we made use of a lot of public restrooms and since we were in the city we would sneak showers at gran' for real though. We weren't able to use our outdoor tent shower in the it is what it is. If she says something we will give her some money for it. Geesh! So now we are in a room paying bills and getting ready for our next trip. I really want to go to Vegas, but

Fun and Free Places to go in Houston!!

          B efore our van Chevy was fixed we were living in a room planning what we would do when we finally got the funding to do it. Everything led up to fixing the van and traveling, but before we got moving I wanted to see what Houston had to offer. What could we do here that wouldn't cost much and still be fun? I went to work googling and found out that the museums are free on Thursday. So we planned our day and hopped on Metro! We ended up going to the Museum of Natural Science first since it was closing at 5, there we got a chance to see the dinosaurs and a lot of other fun things and facts. Once it closed we went to the Children's Museum, where the kids got to explore a lot of things like the first telephone and Gullah Gullah Island. Overall money spent 2.00 for the bus ride. We brought our own food and had a picnic at the museum. It was in all, a great time. Here are some pics for your enjoyment.

Newbie Nomads: Update on #Vanlife!!

        O ur first week of Vanlife!! The first 2 days of the week were spent in a church parking lot and a truck stop in Centerville, when we finally arrived at Lake Limestone we were relieved and excited to be away, we spent 7 days of free parking, free lights, no water bill, no gas bill, just petro for the tank! We had a great time actually, it was an experience for all of us. We met some pretty nice people who were also a part of the alternative living lifestyle. We had a hard time situating ourselves in the van we hadn't figured it out. In all it was a nice time, we plan on going back and actually spending the entire 14 days. For future reference and anyone reading, the name of the lake is Lake Limestone in Groesbeck, Tx, there is a 14 day max stay, it was quiet and peaceful. The police came by to do a routine check up, we got a chance to test our solar lighting and set up another way so that all of us could fit comfortably.    We purchased this dutch oven from Walma

#Vanlife finally! Vanlife newbies!!!!!

      #Vanlife!!!!! Finally!! This is our van, a 1992 Chevy G20 Series. We bought this van back in November of 2017, for $340 from a guy on Craigslist. He said that all it needed was a fuel pump and clean gas. We didn't have enough money to get it towed to the mechanic so we ended up leaving it there. He told us not to leave it there for months, but we kept in close contact with him to let him know what was happening in our lives. Over the time we moved to Conroe with a so called friend, we were having so much bad luck, so we ended up moving there for a month. As time passed,we noticed a change in attitude, we were coming off more money than we'd expected, and didn't have, but that's a totally different post I'll speak on it later. Anyway during the time of our move I had to withdraw Ziggy from school, his favorite school, his only school. I didn't know how that would be, but it sparked our homeschooling, so that felt good. Being able to spend time with them th