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Relationships: What Is Too Much Time Invested?

     What is too much time invested? People who say they have too much time invested in a relationship are normally people who fear change. These people will allow themselves to be in miserable situations and relationships, because they are afraid that no one else can or will accept them for who they are. So they stay in these toxic relationships and grow older and more weary, they try to improve their behavior, thinking that their significant other will look their way. Most of the time, they don't even pay attention. These are people who are in a relationship well over 5 years, they either don't want it to end, or they don't know how to end it. Sadly, they go on, and end up being influenced by the negative in their partner, if you cant beat them, join them.

These people are doomed for as long as they are in this type of relationship, and they know it! Instead, they make up excuses for their partner being the way they are, they try to justify their partners' actions as if their partner is right when clearly they are wrong. These poor beings are lost and will never come to the light, their self-esteem has been tampered with, they feel that they can't do better, and sadly if they feel that way and think that way, then it will be that way. There is no such thing as too much time invested if you truly love the person that you are with. If both of you work together to make the relationship work, then the outcome will be good. Every relationship has minor flaws, no one is the same. You can't expect a person to change his or her ways, instead, you have to be you and find someone who loves you for you, then your relationship will thrive as it should.
If you are in a relationship that you feel is a dead end, even if you are in that relationship for a long period of time, if you are not happy, you should do something about it. I don't encourage break-ups, neither do I encourage a person to stay in a bad situation. What I can say is do what makes you happy, because when its all said and done and the smoke clears your happiness is yours. Relationships are difficult at times it is all up to you how it will go. Thanks for reading the word relationship (above) is a link to a book that I would recommend for you.


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