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#Vanlife finally! Vanlife newbies!!!!!

      #Vanlife!!!!! Finally!! This is our van, a 1992 Chevy G20 Series. We bought this van back in November of 2017, for $340 from a guy on Craigslist. He said that all it needed was a fuel pump and clean gas. We didn't have enough money to get it towed to the mechanic so we ended up leaving it there. He told us not to leave it there for months, but we kept in close contact with him to let him know what was happening in our lives. Over the time we moved to Conroe with a so called friend, we were having so much bad luck, so we ended up moving there for a month. As time passed,we noticed a change in attitude, we were coming off more money than we'd expected, and didn't have, but that's a totally different post I'll speak on it later. Anyway during the time of our move I had to withdraw Ziggy from school, his favorite school, his only school. I didn't know how that would be, but it sparked our homeschooling, so that felt good. Being able to spend time with them throughout the day, and see their progress, it has really opened my eyes as a parent. I am able to answer tough questions and be there for them when they need me. Awesome!! So this is our van, "Chevy", yes that's his name, lol! It didn't come with seats in the back so it is easier to see how I would want it fixed. We are gonna leave all the insides inside since it is already insulated, we will also purchase a trailer to pull behind and we are gonna start from scratch there also. We are deciding what to put in both so they both can be comfortable for us four. 

 Let me tell you how this came to be, Back in 2015, after the tragedies of losing our things, not having enough money to pay our bills and not wanting to pick up an extra job just to pay our bills, we started looking into alternative ways to live. Our children have had everything they could want, we've lived in a 3 bedroom house, and apartments with TV's in every room and a bunch of other unnecessary items. We had electronics everywhere, anything you could think of, then times fell, tables turned, we lost it all.  Losing all of our things, got me to thinking if we needed those things anyway, so since then we have down sized to only the things we need. We ended up finding an RV that we wanted to purchase, but we didn't have the money to buy it, so the owner let us live in it and rent his land, that's when we started to get the feel of tiny living. We had everything we needed in such a small space, the kids were happy but people were thinking we were crazy! My family, his family, all seemed to think we were living in poverty! Our happiness was poverty to them. We started searching YouTube vids to see if other people were living in RV's on land, come to find out they were. So we didn't feel bad at all, knowing other people were doing it as if it wasn't a problem. So we decided then that we wanted to live off the land, go minimal and reduce the amount of clutter in our lives. Listening to our family led us to getting another apartment and not having enough money to pay for it again....same old thing. We ended up living in a room again and saying what we should've did. Now in 2018 we are getting it done! I'm happy, my husband is happy, our children are happy and we will not have that any other way! Today we are in the process of fixing our van Chevy, getting it the way we want it for now. Pics will be uploaded when we get the trailer, but for now it's all about Chevy.


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