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Self Care: 10 Ways To Live A Healthier, Less Stressful Life


       Life can be stressful and hectic at times, the body always needs to rejuvenate itself and recuperate from different events and obstacles you come in contact with. Self-care is vital and involves many different things you need to do in order to live a long full, healthy, and fulfilling life. Here are 10 ways to live a healthier less stressful life and become a better you!

1. Sleep Well.

      Getting a full 8-9 hours of sleep is key to giving your body the downtime it needs to rejuvenate itself. We are all living organisms, even the plants that we grow have time to rest. The Earth we live on rests also, and so should you. Try to get at least 8 hours a day even if you have to do it in 4-hour increments. You will feel much better, more vibrant, and more focused. Be sure to have the proper pillow in order to relax your neck muscles as you rest.

2. Eat Healthily.

       Eating healthy is the most important thing to do when trying to live healthy and without stress. Stress can cause you to overeat, and having a freshly stocked fridge of your favorite fruit to binge on, sets the stage for a better you. Treat yourself to fresh fruits and veggies, or a nice smoothie at least 2 times a day. Incorporate eating healthy into your daily lifestyle and it will begin to come naturally, you will begin to see changes in your mindset, your life, and your habits.

3. Get rid of everything or everyone that does not serve you positively.

      This might just be the hardest of all because everyone could be people in your family, people you work with, people you see daily. The things could be something that you do all the time, something that you have gotten so comfortable with that you feel you can't do without. 9 times out of ten you really need to get rid of it. You are in control of your destiny and if it no longer serves a purpose in your life, then it is holding you back from your full potential. Take a deep breath and let it go.
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4. Forgive yourself and others.

      As humans, we tend to go through a lot of emotions in life. We run into all kinds of people that we may choose to befriend, not knowing whether the friendship is genuine. We have arguments with our family and significant others, we stress over what to do or where we are in life. We have people that we may think are rooting for us, and actually, they are rooting against us. We have family who may talk crazy behind your back but laugh in your face.  This can bring forth anger and frustration, which may cause us to use foul language and lash out at people. When all you have to do is forgive, forgive that person for wronging you and forgive yourself for allowing it to happen, then move on. Whether that person is a family member or friend, forgiving them doesn't mean you have to be fooled again, it doesn't mean you have to even be in their presence. You forgive them for your own happiness because not forgiving them will keep them in control of your happiness and it will keep you from moving forward in life.

5. Exercise

      Exercising another daily activity you should acquire in order to live healthier. This should be done at least 3-4 times a week. Cardio is good for the heart, and the blood pressure. Enjoy a nice walk in the park, feel the fresh summer breeze as you exercise your muscles internally and externally. Exercising daily keeps your muscles firm, keeps you feeling vibrant and full of energy. Try to include exercising in your daily regimen of activities even if it is a walk in the park, you have to start somewhere.

6. Dance.

       Dancing could be another form of exercise if you really wanna look at it like that since dancing is actually a form of cardio and keeps your heart beating at a good rate. Dancing just comes more naturally than doing regular exercise, so if you are more likely to dance before you run a marathon then dance away. Even on a depressing day, when you cut on music and get up and dance, the depression goes away.

7.  Clean House.

      Busy people tend to put off cleaning for a day or two, but then they notice that when they do, there is more than expected. This can lead to doing half the cleaning, piling up more on top of the half that is unfinished. Which then leads to clutter in your home and everyone knows that if your home is cluttered then surely is your head. If you take 30 minutes a day to spot clean things around your home, you will see that when it is time to clean house you won't have that much to do and it won't be an all-day thing. Do a full cleaning on the weekends and spot clean through the week to keep your brain free from clutter as well as your home.

8. Meditate.

      Calming the mind is essential when living healthy and less stressful. Relaxation is key to a more vital life span. When meditating focus more on your breathing than your surroundings. Get somewhere quiet, close your eyes, and clear your mind of all thoughts and chatter, to do this focus on your breaths. Listen to yourself breathe in and out until that is all you hear. When your eyes are closed think of a fireball of energy traveling through you starting at the top of your head and ending at the soles of your feet. Do this as you breathe in and out with long five-second breaths. Try to meditate at least 20 minutes a day this also helps keep you focused, grounded, and feeling refreshed.

9. Scream.

      Sometimes all you can do is scream, so SCREAM! Do it loudly enough to where you feel better and can handle any situation that comes your way! Life can get the best or worst of you and when you feel the need to scream, sometimes that is all you need. We can go through stressful situations, talking sometimes doesn't help at all and when you feel all talked out, and your back is against the wall, let out a loud scream, collect your thoughts, and get yourself back on track.

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10. Smile/ Laugh.

      Smiling/ Laughing can actually make a mad person change tones. It is proven that laughter is the best medicine, meaning laughter heals in so many ways. Never be afraid to laugh. Laugh at people, laugh at yourself, and laugh whenever you need to in order to feel good in life. Try not to beat yourself up when you make a mistake, laugh at it, point out your mistake, fix it, and keep it moving. You only get one life so live to the fullest. We are allotted so many breaths throughout our lives let every breath count for something.

Thanks for reading and feel free to add to the list in the comments!!


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