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Free Alexis Hutchinson.....single moms speak out!!!!!

I used to think the army stood for justice, I thought of them as do-gooders, peace-makers, problem solvers.... you know stuff like that. I guess I thought wrong. I read BV today...(that's blackvoices for all of you who don't know) and it really hurt me to see that the army would do such a thing to a single parent, who has no other means of childcare. This girl is struggling, believe me single parenting isn't any easy job. She joined the army probably for a better life for her and her son, with the thought that they would provide the things she may need for her child. I mean why else would a person join the army??? I know it ain't for fun!!!! With all that said I'm sure she thought they would help her find the proper childcare or at least provide the proper funding for a safe place for the child to reside while she was away. Instead, they turn the other cheek at the last minute and put her in jail.... wtf???? Is that the way they treat you?? Yeah, I understand that it is mandatory that you deploy when they say you need to, but what happens to your family if they aren't stable or old enough to take care of themselves. Right now that child is with his grandmother, who might I add is overloaded, physically and emotionally burned out with taking care of other relatives, check the article for more info @

I just feel that this is an unfair way to treat a person and a child, we don't know how this child is doing as of now, his grandmother can't take care of him, she can't give him the attention he needs as a 10 month old, and as a mother I would have done the same damn thing!! As parents we want to make sure our children are safe at all times, especially when we are gone for long periods of time. No woman wants to leave her child in an unsafe environment, that's not an act of good parenting damnit! Instead of the army arresting her they should have accommodated her and kept their word, gave her a freakin extension, I mean she is a cook damnit!!! I'm sure the army has whole lot of damn cooks!!! This is an injustice to all single moms, whether you're in the army not! There are people out there right now looking for ways to get their child proper childcare, the funding for childcare is scarce, and it's so much going on these days, that you just can't leave your child with people, unless you have known them throughout your life and you know they're not pervs!!!
This is BS with a capital B!!!!! They need to let her go so she can be with her son and try to come up with a solution, jail time shouldn't be an option, it's just downright wrong!!!!
God Bless!!!



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