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Showing posts from May, 2018

Trending Now: Racism in America....WTF

      W hen you think of America the great, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is it the possibility of living a free life, loving your fellow man? Hell nah.... Everyday that I have breath there is always something that might not affect me physically, or mentally, but damn, the shit is out of control and it can get overwhelming. There seems to be so many instances of black and brown people in America getting tragically harmed but those of a different race.... WTF is that all about! I could've sworn this shit was over, but no. History only repeats itself, is the phrase or saying that comes to mind in a time like this, but as I am a black woman raising black men, I will not stand for it, not at all.So what is this racism shit, really? What? Do these racists punks really think that we are in fact our ancestors? Do they think we will allow them to put us in bondage again? Hmph! What is up with all of these people calling police for everything that black people do? Should w

#vanlife whew!!!

     # V anlife has been crazy these couple of days, we have been in Houston parked at my husband's gran's house and I have to be brutally honest when I say that it has not been easy at all! Gosh I haven't had such a rough patch in a minute! Geesh! I honestly know the reason, it was that time of the month!! Ladies on the road know what I am talking about I'm sure! So being on the road for only a month, (well I can't even say being on the road, since we were parked in the country 2 weeks ago) I have not yet mastered the cycle on the road in a van with children....yeah. So we made use of a lot of public restrooms and since we were in the city we would sneak showers at gran' for real though. We weren't able to use our outdoor tent shower in the it is what it is. If she says something we will give her some money for it. Geesh! So now we are in a room paying bills and getting ready for our next trip. I really want to go to Vegas, but