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The Art of Bouncing Back: Steps to Pick up the Pieces and Start Again

       B ouncing back, picking up the pieces, picking up yourself, starting over, whatever you want to call it requires a whole lot of patience and perseverance. When we fall, man, we tend to fall hard some of us have a hard time getting back up, some of us need a boost or some kind of motivation to get out of the slump. Don't feel bad, we have all been through it. Falling on your face will surely make you feel like shit, but you got to get on up now! (in my Jodeci voice) the comeback is always phenomenal so don't trip. Find your Reason.      Shit happens in life, we got to be prepared for everything these days, but when we aren't prepared and shit just hits us back-to-back it throws us off track, well it is up to us to hop back on the saddle and ride till the wheels fall off, or the hooves, whatever. Just get the hell up and do something, find your reason, find a good reason to do it and do it for you. Give yourself time to feel bad, cry if you have to and let it all ou
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