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Self Care: 10 Ways To Live A Healthier, Less Stressful Life

           L ife can be stressful and hectic at times, the body always needs to rejuvenate itself and recuperate from different events and obstacles you come in contact with. Self-care is vital and involves many different things you need to do in order to live a long full, healthy, and fulfilling life. Here are 10 ways to live a healthier less stressful life and become a better you! 1. Sleep Well.       Getting a full 8-9 hours of sleep is key to giving your body the downtime it needs to rejuvenate itself. We are all living organisms, even the plants that we grow have time to rest. The Earth we live on rests also, and so should you. Try to get at least 8 hours a day even if you have to do it in 4-hour increments. You will feel much better, more vibrant, and more focused. Be sure to have the proper pillow in order to relax your neck muscles as you rest. 2. Eat Healthily.        Eating healthy is the most important thing to do when trying to live healthy and without