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Showing posts from February, 2018

#Vanlife finally! Vanlife newbies!!!!!

      #Vanlife!!!!! Finally!! This is our van, a 1992 Chevy G20 Series. We bought this van back in November of 2017, for $340 from a guy on Craigslist. He said that all it needed was a fuel pump and clean gas. We didn't have enough money to get it towed to the mechanic so we ended up leaving it there. He told us not to leave it there for months, but we kept in close contact with him to let him know what was happening in our lives. Over the time we moved to Conroe with a so called friend, we were having so much bad luck, so we ended up moving there for a month. As time passed,we noticed a change in attitude, we were coming off more money than we'd expected, and didn't have, but that's a totally different post I'll speak on it later. Anyway during the time of our move I had to withdraw Ziggy from school, his favorite school, his only school. I didn't know how that would be, but it sparked our homeschooling, so that felt good. Being able to spend time with them th