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Showing posts from 2009

Carshow 2009!!!!!!! Damnit!!!!

omari and dancers slick rick performing The Los Magnificos Custom Car and Bike Show....... was off the rocker!!!!! I mean it was really bangin'!!!!! I totally enjoyed it!!!  I didn't get a chance to see Ester Dean perfom by the time I got to the stage she was almost done, but from what I did see, she had the crowd jumpin'.                                                                             Nicki Minaj Big Daddy Kane Bun B, ESG & his son  Nicki Minaj had em' hollerin and screamin' when she hit the stage, I couldn't hear too much of anything, some chick kept screaming in my ear. OMG!!!! Big Daddy Kane stayed up there what felt like forever, kinda reminded me of the awards where Don Cornelius kept going on and on about the O'Jays!!!!! He even started dancing and prancing on the stage it was totally insane!!!! Well worth it though, the tickets were 15 dollars, the lines were long as hell!!! Actually, I dont even think there were lines,

~Au Naturale~

I finally decided that I'm going natural!!!!!! I havent had a perm in... I can't even remenber!!! I started out with nothing, nothing at all my hair was damn near faded, if you know what I mean. My hair use to be what it was about, I wore the weaves, wigs, and all that other stuff and I loved it, now who really cares!!!! I love my hair, so I decided not to put all those chemicals in it again. Of course I might dye it occasionally, but that's about it. I'm growing it out now, since I am planning on going dready by next week....thats right people I said it. I've made up my mind and I've done the research and decided it's what I want, so why not!!! this is a recent pic pay attention to the hair only!!!! These r the many hair battles of onyx!!!! _ <-------this is my real hair <----weave So as you can see people I've had it all and now the real....... ~Au Naturale~ God Bless!!! ~Onyx~

Free Alexis Hutchinson.....single moms speak out!!!!!

I used to think the army stood for justice, I thought of them as do-gooders, peace-makers, problem solvers.... you know stuff like that. I guess I thought wrong. I read BV today...(that's blackvoices for all of you who don't know) and it really hurt me to see that the army would do such a thing to a single parent, who has no other means of childcare. This girl is struggling, believe me single parenting isn't any easy job. She joined the army probably for a better life for her and her son, with the thought that they would provide the things she may need for her child. I mean why else would a person join the army??? I know it ain't for fun!!!! With all that said I'm sure she thought they would help her find the proper childcare or at least provide the proper funding for a safe place for the child to reside while she was away. Instead, they turn the other cheek at the last minute and put her in jail.... wtf???? Is that the way they treat you?? Yeah, I understand that i

Cruel..... an under-statement........

I was reading in BV about Caster Semenya being how she is, and I really dont understand the issue at hand. She is a woman and she should be treated as such. I dont feel that it is right she should be put in the media like this. It isnt anyone's business what sex she is, how embarassing to be put out there like that. People can be so cruel at times, is it because she won the medal...GOLD at that. So, people decided that since she looks like a man, and has features of a man, that technically she is a man. She was raised as a girl--Female. Its just crazy how far people would go to make another person look like crap. I know you're probably thinking I'm headed towards the race card, but actually...nah. It has nothing to do with the color of a person, because one way or the other someone would've said something, regardless of the color. I am just speaking for people in general, no one wants to be put on the spot and find out something about themselves in front of the world.

Disappointment in so many ways.....

I just got a chance to view the movie Obsessed , with Idris Elba, Ali Larter , and Beyonce ', honestly people, I am happy that I waited to buy the DVD, I truly felt that this movie really stunk!!! Ok , Ok , let me rephrase that....the acting really blowed ! Beyonce ' could've done better than that, I know she has skills, but I honestly thought that this movie was twisted. There were some parts that were confusing, some even made me laugh; I doubt that it was supposed to do that!! Its just that according to the cover of the DVD Beyonce was supposed to be the star. I feel that Ali Carter clearly out-did Beyonce in this movie. It was like Beyonce didn't know what to say at times, she made it clear that she was trying to ad lib. I just think that overall her acting should've been better, instead it mad the movie feel more low-budget. I felt like I was watching a movie put together by Master P. I personally feel like someone else should've put someone else it

All about me!!!!!!!

Aside from being an entreprenuer, I also enjoy other things like reading, writing, poetry, art, and different things that I just have to speak on, this blog will be filled with the need to know facts, reviews, writing excerpts(open for opinions), poetry, different art pics I like, and other things that cross my mind, so enjoy the conversation and feel free to join in!!!!!!!