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Showing posts from 2014
I have decided to begin a new journey....smoothies!!! I finally hopped on the scale today and honestly I was unhappy with that number... very unhappy!  So I decided to do something about it!  I have decided to drink smoothies!  I mean all the time for every meal.  I have to cut back on everything and live a better healthier life, not for me but for those 2 beautiful boys. My fiance says, I'm awesome, and I know this, but I think it is time for me to live healthier..... no more eating crappy foods, processed junk and all that other I-taste-so-good-but-will-clog-your-arteries junk gotta go!!  Join me on my journey!!  I know it will be hard so I am gonna use a whole lot of prayer and my groovy blog as a way to keep me motivated to continue.  I am not gonna give myself I time frame to lose weight I am just gonna do it.  It is something I have to do!