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Showing posts from September, 2009

Cruel..... an under-statement........

I was reading in BV about Caster Semenya being how she is, and I really dont understand the issue at hand. She is a woman and she should be treated as such. I dont feel that it is right she should be put in the media like this. It isnt anyone's business what sex she is, how embarassing to be put out there like that. People can be so cruel at times, is it because she won the medal...GOLD at that. So, people decided that since she looks like a man, and has features of a man, that technically she is a man. She was raised as a girl--Female. Its just crazy how far people would go to make another person look like crap. I know you're probably thinking I'm headed towards the race card, but actually...nah. It has nothing to do with the color of a person, because one way or the other someone would've said something, regardless of the color. I am just speaking for people in general, no one wants to be put on the spot and find out something about themselves in front of the world.